True or False?

A researcher is interested in studying whether there is a correlation of IQ with health. For this purpose he selected a sample of 261 people and asked them to complete two questionnaires: one for IQ and one for health. After evaluating the questionnaires each person had a total score in these two concepts resulting from the sum of questions in the respective questionnaires. Finally he decided to use the correlation coefficient Spearman's rho to give answer to his question.

What is your question?

I state at the first row... True or false?


In this scenario, the researcher is interested in studying the correlation between IQ and health. To investigate this, the researcher selected a sample of 261 people and asked them to complete two questionnaires - one to assess IQ and another to assess health. Each person's total score in these two concepts was calculated by summing the scores from the respective questionnaires.

To determine the correlation between IQ and health in this study, the researcher decided to use the correlation coefficient known as Spearman's rho. The Spearman's rho is a non-parametric measure of correlation that is used when the variables being studied are not normally distributed or when the relationship between the variables is not linear.

By calculating the Spearman's rho, the researcher will be able to assess whether there is a correlation between IQ and health in the sample of 261 people. The resulting coefficient will represent the strength and direction of the correlation, ranging from -1 to +1. A positive value indicates a positive correlation, while a negative value indicates a negative correlation. The closer the value is to zero, the weaker the correlation.

So, in summary, the researcher used the Spearman's rho correlation coefficient to determine whether there is a correlation between IQ and health in the sample of 261 people.