Satelite orbits vary in their distance from the earth. Orbits can be anywhere from 252,800 to 35,200,000 yards. What is the greatest distance between satelite orbits? Round to the nearest ten thousand to estimate.

For problem 3, find the exact difference

Exact difference:

35,200,000 - 250,000 = ?

35,200,000 - 252,800 = ?

To find the greatest distance between satellite orbits, we need to subtract the lowest distance from the highest distance.

Given that the lowest distance is 252,800 yards and the highest distance is 35,200,000 yards, we can calculate the exact difference by subtracting the lowest distance from the highest distance:

35,200,000 - 252,800 = 34,947,200 yards

Now, to round this difference to the nearest ten thousand, we look at the digit in the ten thousandths place, which is the 7 in 34,947,200.

Since 7 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up. We increase the ten thousandths place value by 1 and set all the digits to the right of it to zero.

Thus, the rounded greatest distance between satellite orbits is 34,950,000 yards to the nearest ten thousand.