craig reads a book with 10 pages in the morning a book with 26 pages before dinner and a book with 10 pages after dinner find the mode of the number of pages in the books that craig read

mode is the most frequent value: 10

To find the mode of the number of pages in the books that Craig read, we first need to list all the number of pages he read.

According to the given information:
- Craig read a book with 10 pages in the morning.
- Craig read a book with 26 pages before dinner.
- Craig read a book with 10 pages after dinner.

So the number of pages he read in total are 10 + 26 + 10 = 46 pages.

Now, let's find the mode. The mode is the value that appears most frequently in a set of data. In this case, each book had a different number of pages, so there's only one value that occurs most frequently, and that is 10.

Therefore, the mode of the number of pages in the books that Craig read is 10 pages.