6.5 meters divided by 0.625....what's the answer and how did you solve it

To divide 6.5 meters by 0.625, you can use the following steps:

1. Start by writing down the division problem: 6.5 ÷ 0.625.

2. To make the division easier, you can multiply both the dividend (6.5) and divisor (0.625) by a power of 10 to eliminate the decimal points. In this case, you can multiply both by 1000, since there are three decimal places in 0.625 and multiplying by 1000 will shift the decimal points three places to the right.

6.5 × 1000 = 6500
0.625 × 1000 = 625

The division problem becomes: 6500 ÷ 625.

3. Now, perform the division by dividing 6500 by 625:

6500 ÷ 625 = 10.4

Therefore, the answer is 10.4.

This means that 6.5 meters divided by 0.625 is equal to 10.4.



0.625 divided by 6.5