Calculate the average density of planet Pluto, given its mean distance from the sun is 5.91×109 km, its radius is 1137 km, its volume is 6.157×109 km3, its orbital period is 248.1 years and its mass is 1.25×1022 kg. Report the density in g/cm3, without entering units.

what's all this nonsense about distance from the sun and length of its year?

density = mass/volume
1.25*10^22kg / 6.157*10^9km^3 * (1km/10^5cm)^3 * 1000g/kg = 2.03g/cm^3

To calculate the average density of a planet, we can use the formula:

Density = Mass / Volume

First, we need to convert the volume from km^3 to cm^3. Since 1 km is equal to 10^5 cm, you need to multiply the volume by (10^5)^3 = 10^15 to convert km^3 to cm^3.

Volume in cm^3 = 6.157 × 10^9 km^3 * (10^5)^3 = 6.157 × 10^9 * 10^15 cm^3 = 6.157 × 10^24 cm^3

Now we can calculate the average density by dividing the mass of Pluto by its volume:

Density = 1.25 × 10^22 kg / 6.157 × 10^24 cm^3

Next, we need to convert the density from kg/cm^3 to g/cm^3. Since 1 kg is equal to 1000 g, you simply need to multiply the density by 1000.

Density = (1.25 × 10^22 kg / 6.157 × 10^24 cm^3) * 1000 = 2.030 g/cm^3

Therefore, the average density of planet Pluto is 2.030 g/cm^3.