A student measures the volume of a liquid and finds it to be 40 mL. How many significant figures are in that measurement

Help me Mrs.sue!!!!

40 mL = .040 L

Does that help?

no it doesn't help

To determine the number of significant figures in a measurement, you need to follow a few rules:

1. Non-zero digits are always significant. In this case, the digit "4" is non-zero, so it is significant.

2. Zeros between non-zero digits are always significant. However, if they are leading zeros (to the left of all non-zero digits), they are not significant. There are no zeros between non-zero digits in this measurement.

3. If there are trailing zeros to the right of the decimal point, they are significant. In this case, there are no trailing zeros.

4. Leading zeros (to the left of all non-zero digits) without a decimal point are not significant. There are no leading zeros in this measurement.

Given the above rules, we can determine that the measurement of 40 mL has two significant figures.