At 10:30 am two planes leave to Houston, one flying east 560km/h and the other flying west at 640 km/h. At what time will they both ne 2100km apart.

They would be flying for the same amount of time , t hours

distance covered by first = 560t km
distance covered by second = 640t km

560t + 640t = 2100
1200t = 2100
t = 1.75 hrs

or 1 hour and 45 minutes

so at 10:30 + 1:45 or 12:15 pm they will be 2100 km apart

To find out when the two planes will be 2100 km apart, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Let's assume that the time when the planes leave is denoted as "t" hours.

Since one plane is flying east at 560 km/h and the other plane is flying west at 640 km/h, their combined speed is:

560 km/h + 640 km/h = 1200 km/h

Now, we can use the formula to find the time it takes for the planes to be 2100 km apart:

Distance = Speed × Time
2100 km = 1200 km/h × t hours

Simplifying the equation, we have:

t hours = 2100 km / 1200 km/h
t hours = 1.75 hours

To convert 1.75 hours to minutes and seconds, we multiply it by 60:

1.75 hours × 60 minutes/hour = 105 minutes

Therefore, the time it takes for the planes to be 2100 km apart is 1 hour and 45 minutes.

To determine the exact time they will be 2100 km apart, we need to consider the time when they both depart, which is 10:30 am.

Adding 1 hour and 45 minutes to 10:30 am, we get:

10:30 am + 1 hour and 45 minutes = 12:15 pm

Therefore, the planes will be 2100 km apart at 12:15 pm.