What's 35ab/105bc simplified

If you mean it the way you typed it ...

= (1.3) a b^2 c

if you meant
35ab/(105bc), then
= (1/3) a/c or a/(3c)

To simplify the expression 35ab/105bc, we can cancel out any common factors in the numerator and the denominator.

The factors of 35 are 1, 5, 7, and 35.
The factors of 105 are 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, 21, 35, and 105.

The variables "a" and "b" are not factors, so we cannot cancel them out.

However, we can cancel out the common factor of 5 in the numerator and the denominator.

35ab/105bc = (35/5) * (a/b) / (105/5) * (c)

This simplifies to:

To simplify the expression 35ab/105bc, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the terms.

To find the GCD of the numbers 35, 105, a, and b, we need to break them down into their prime factors.

Let's start with the numbers:

35 = 5 × 7
105 = 3 × 5 × 7

Now let's consider the variables:

a - no further factors
b - no further factors
c - no further factors

Next, let's find the common factors in both the numerator and denominator:

Numerator: 5 × a × b
Denominator: 3 × 5 × b × c

We can cancel out the common factors, which are (5 × b), leaving us with:

(5 × a) / (3 × c)

Therefore, the simplified expression of 35ab/105bc is (5a)/(3c).