Pick the correct answer to the following question. Write a brief statement explaining why each choice of answers is correct or incorrect.

In diabetes mellitus, because of insufficient insulin production, glucose cannot enter cells. instead it accumulates in the blood plasma. which of the following statements would be true under these conditions?
A. The concentration of the plasma would decrease.
B. the osmotic pressure of the plasma would remain the same.
C. Water would move out of the tissues into the plasma.
D. Tissue cells would swell.

The correct answer is D. Tissue cells would swell.

In diabetes mellitus, due to insufficient insulin production, glucose cannot enter cells to undergo metabolism. As a result, glucose accumulates in the blood plasma, leading to hyperglycemia. This high concentration of glucose in the blood plasma causes an osmotic imbalance between the plasma and the surrounding tissues.

Now let's evaluate each choice of answers:

A. The concentration of the plasma would decrease.
This is incorrect. In diabetes mellitus, the concentration of glucose in the plasma increases, not decreases.

B. The osmotic pressure of the plasma would remain the same.
This is incorrect. The accumulation of glucose in the plasma increases the osmotic pressure, disrupting the osmotic balance between the plasma and tissues.

C. Water would move out of the tissues into the plasma.
This is incorrect. In diabetes mellitus, the increased concentration of glucose in the blood plasma creates an osmotic gradient that causes water to move from the plasma into tissues, not the other way around.

D. Tissue cells would swell.
This is the correct answer. When glucose accumulates in the blood plasma, water moves out of the cells to dilute the high concentration of glucose in the plasma. As a result, tissues become dehydrated, and the cells, lacking adequate water, undergo a process called cellular dehydration. This causes the cells to shrink and become less functional.