How to make "freyer model" of 437?

To make a "freyer model" of a number, we need to break down the number into its prime factors. The Freyer model of a number represents its prime factorization using exponents or other graphical representations.

To find the Freyer model of 437, follow these steps:

1. Start by dividing the number 437 by the smallest prime number, which is 2. However, 437 is an odd number and not divisible by 2, so we move to the next prime number.

2. Divide 437 by the next prime number, which is 3. 437 divided by 3 equals 145 with a remainder of 2.

3. Continue dividing the quotient from step 2, which is 145, by the next prime number, 3. 145 divided by 3 equals 48 with no remainder.

4. Divide 48, the quotient from step 3, by the next prime number, 2. 48 divided by 2 equals 24.

5. Divide 24 by the next prime number, 2, again. 24 divided by 2 equals 12.

6. Continue dividing the quotient from step 5, which is 12, by the next prime number, 2. 12 divided by 2 equals 6.

7. Divide 6 by the next prime number, 2, once again. 6 divided by 2 equals 3.

8. Finally, divide the quotient from step 7, which is 3, by the next prime number, 3. 3 divided by 3 equals 1.

The prime factorization of 437 is 437 = 19 x 23. This means that 437 can be written as a product of prime factors: 19 multiplied by 23.

To represent this as a "freyer model," you can use the exponents of the prime factors. In this case, the freyer model of 437 would be 437 = 19^1 x 23^1.

Alternatively, you can use a graphical representation, such as a tree diagram or a factorization grid, to visually represent the prime factorization of 437.