1) Which of the following sentences from "I know Why the Caged bird sings"contains context clues that help you understand the meaning of the word in italics?

"Shame" made me want to hide my face.*
She didn't " encourage" familiarity.
The dress looks "professional".
The "chifforobe" was a maze.

I put the word that was in italics in quotes, and the answer I chose I put a little star next to, am I correct?

Umm... Mrs. Sue is this correct?

Yes. I agree, Gabby.

Thanks ^.^

You're welcome.

Yes, you are correct! In this question, you are asked to identify the sentence from "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" that contains context clues to help you understand the meaning of the word in italics. You correctly put the word in quotes and marked your chosen answer with a star. Now, let's analyze the given sentences to find the one that contains relevant context clues.

The sentence "Shame made me want to hide my face" contains context clues that can help understand the meaning of the word "shame". By examining the surrounding words and phrases, such as "hide my face," we can infer that shame is related to feeling embarrassed or humiliated. Therefore, your answer is correct. Good job!