The regular admission price for an amusement park is. $72. For a group of 15 or more, the admission price is reduced by $25. How many people need to be in a group to save $500?

To find the group size, divide the group's saving by the individual reduction.

i have no idea help

It's 20

it iz 20 so get it rite


I actually think it is 300 people, because 25 times what equals 500? 20. So you are supposed to multiply 15 by 20 which equals 300. (I may be wrong, so that's why I said that this is what I think.)

To find out how many people need to be in a group to save $500, we can set up an equation and solve for the unknown value.

Let's assume x represents the number of people in the group.

For a group of 15 or more, the admission price is reduced by $25. So, the admission price for a group of x people would be $72 - $25 = $47.

Now, we can set up the equation to find out the total savings for a group of x people:

Total savings = Number of people * Savings per person

$500 = x * $25

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by $25:

$500 / $25 = x

x = 20

Therefore, you would need a group of 20 or more people to save $500.