during a journey over which speed varies, the maximum attained speed in comparison to the average speed is always:

A)one half of it B) greater than it C)less than it D) equal to it E) none of this

I'll be glad to check your answer.

No, B. Its an average

To determine the relationship between the maximum attained speed and the average speed during a journey where the speed varies, we need to understand the definitions of maximum and average speed.

The maximum speed refers to the highest speed achieved during the journey, while the average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time taken.

To answer this question, let's consider a scenario where the speed varies throughout the journey. In such a case, there will be moments when the speed is slower than the average speed and moments when it is faster.

If the maximum speed were equal to the average speed (Choice D), it would imply that the vehicle is maintaining the same speed throughout the entire journey, without any fluctuations. However, the question states that the speed varies, so this choice is incorrect.

If the maximum speed were one half of the average speed (Choice A), then it would imply that the maximum speed is always less than the average speed. However, this may not always be the case. Therefore, this choice is also incorrect.

If the maximum speed were greater than the average speed (Choice B), it would imply that the vehicle reaches its highest speed at some point during the journey, surpassing the overall average speed. Since the question does not specify any limitations on the speed variations, this choice is possible and could be correct.

If the maximum speed were less than the average speed (Choice C), it would imply that the vehicle never reaches a speed higher than the average, consistently staying below it. This is a plausible scenario, as the journey could consist of fluctuating speeds that never surpass the overall average. Therefore, this choice is also possible and could be correct.

In conclusion, the answer to the question is either B) greater than it or C) less than it, as both choices are plausible depending on the specific variation of speeds during the journey.