The numerator of a fraction is 6 less than its denominator, and the value of a fraction is 3/5.

Is this right??

x-6/x = 3/5

To check if your equation is correct, let's solve it step by step.

The problem states that the numerator of the fraction is 6 less than its denominator. Let's assign variables to the numerator and denominator.

Let the numerator be x, and the denominator be y.

According to the problem, we have the following information:

x = y - 6

Next, the problem states that the value of the fraction is 3/5. In other words, x/y = 3/5.

Now let's substitute the value of x (from the first equation) into the second equation:

(y - 6) / y = 3/5

To solve this equation, we'll cross-multiply:

5(y - 6) = 3y

Expanding the equation:

5y - 30 = 3y

Combining like terms:

5y - 3y = 30

2y = 30

Dividing both sides by 2:

y = 15

Now we can substitute the value of y into the first equation to find the value of x:

x = 15 - 6
x = 9

So the value of x is 9 and the value of y is 15.

Checking our answer, let's substitute these values back into the equation:

9/15 = 3/5

Simplifying the fractions:

3/5 = 3/5

Since both sides of the equation are equal, our values of x and y are correct.

Therefore, your equation should be:

(x - 6) / (x + 6) = 3/5

Make sure to double-check your work to ensure accuracy.