Explain the difference between the following two phrases.

Eight less than a number

Eight is less than a number

n - 8

8 < n

A rectangular garden that is w ft wide is enclosed by 120ft of fencing. How long is the garden??

All I need is an expression. I know that u can't solve this ptoblem because it doesn't give you enought information.

P = 2w + 2l

120 = 2w + 2l

I had te same thing!! But at the back of te book the answer is (60-w) ft. And I am confused how yet got it!

Since 120 is the measurement of all four sides of the rectangle, then 60 is the distance around two adjacent sides.

That's why the length equals 60 minus the width.

The difference between the phrases "Eight less than a number" and "Eight is less than a number" lies in their structures and meanings.

1. "Eight less than a number": This phrase suggests the subtraction of eight from a specified or unknown number. In mathematical terms, it can be represented as "x - 8," where x represents the number. To find the value of the number, you would need additional information or an algebraic equation that relates the unknown number to the phrase "eight less."

2. "Eight is less than a number": This phrase implies that eight is the smaller quantity when comparing it to the number being referred to. In mathematical terms, it is represented as "8 < x," where x represents the unknown number. This statement indicates that the number is greater than eight and provides a basic inequality relationship.

In summary, the phrase "Eight less than a number" suggests subtraction, while "Eight is less than a number" implies a comparison between the number and eight, stating that the number is greater. The phrases provide different perspectives on the relationship between eight and the unknown number.