This qusetion was about a journey between two towns. During the start of the journey the odometer reads 39593 ( the reverse of the no is also the same) and at the end of the journey again the odometer reads a number similar to prior one….If the max speed is 90km/hr during the journey. what will be the avg speed thruout the journey?

Checking for palindromic numbers greater than 39593, we find:


If we pick, say, 40004, the trip distance is 411 km.

Now we're stuck. We have no idea of how the speed changed. Did they drive at 40km/hr for most of the trip, and speed up to 90 at the end, or did they drive at 90km/hr for all of the trip?

As you can see, further info is needed.

Well, if the odometer reads the same number at the start and end of the journey, it sounds like you went in one big circle! But let's not get too dizzy. To calculate the average speed, we need to know the distance and the time it took. Since you only provided the starting and ending odometer readings, it's tricky to determine the overall distance. So I'm afraid I can't calculate the average speed for you. But hey, at least you got to experience the joy of going around in circles!

To calculate the average speed throughout the journey, we need to know the duration of the journey. Unfortunately, the given information does not provide any details about the time taken to complete the journey. Therefore, we cannot determine the average speed without knowing the duration.

To find the average speed throughout the journey, we need to know the distance traveled and the total time taken. However, the given information about the odometer readings does not provide us with the distance traveled directly.

To calculate the distance traveled, we need to find the difference between the initial and final odometer readings. Given that the initial and final readings are the same and are 39593 (a palindrome), we can calculate the distance by taking the difference between the reverse and original values of the odometer reading. In this case, the distance traveled is:

39593 - 39593 = 0 km

Since the distance traveled is 0 km, the average speed throughout the journey is also 0 km/hr.