score 98 points in 6 games

Points per game: 98/6 reduced.

To calculate the points per game, you need to divide the total points by the number of games played. In this case, you have scored 98 points in 6 games.

To get the points per game, you simply divide the total points (98) by the number of games played (6):

Points per game = Total points / Number of games

Therefore, the points per game would be:

Points per game = 98 / 6

To simplify the fraction, you can reduce it by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator. In this case, both 98 and 6 are divisible by 2:

98 ÷ 2 = 49
6 ÷ 2 = 3

So the fraction can be reduced to:

Points per game = 49 / 3

Therefore, if you scored 98 points in 6 games, you would have an average of approximately 16.33 points per game.
