a drapery panel measures 6 feet by 10 feet. Find how many square feet of material are needed for eight panels?

6 * 10 * 8 = _______ square feet


To find the total square feet of material needed for eight drapery panels, we first need to calculate the area of one drapery panel and then multiply it by eight.

The area of a rectangle (which applies to our drapery panel) is calculated by multiplying its length by its width.

Given that the panel measures 6 feet by 10 feet, we can calculate its area as follows:

Area of one drapery panel = Length × Width = 6 ft × 10 ft = 60 square feet.

Now, to find the total square feet of material needed for eight drapery panels, we multiply the area of one panel by eight:

Total square feet of material needed = Area of one drapery panel × Number of panels
= 60 square feet × 8 panels
= 480 square feet.

Hence, 480 square feet of material are needed for eight drapery panels.