Explain how to reflect a polygon over the X axis and the Y axis.

To reflect a polygon over the X-axis or the Y-axis, you can follow these steps:

1. Draw the original polygon: Start by drawing the original polygon on a piece of graph paper or a computer program. Make sure all the vertices of the polygon are clearly marked.

2. Reflecting over the X-axis: To reflect a polygon over the X-axis, you need to reverse the y-coordinates of each vertex while keeping the x-coordinate the same. In other words, for each vertex (x, y), the reflected vertex would be (x, -y). Repeat this process for all the vertices of the polygon.

3. Reflecting over the Y-axis: To reflect a polygon over the Y-axis, you need to reverse the x-coordinates of each vertex while keeping the y-coordinate the same. In other words, for each vertex (x, y), the reflected vertex would be (-x, y). Repeat this process for all the vertices of the polygon.

4. Connect the new vertices: Once you have obtained the reflected vertices by applying the appropriate transformations, connect the new vertices with straight lines to form the reflected polygon. Ensure that the order in which you connect the vertices matches the order of the original polygon, as this determines the shape of the reflected polygon.

By following these steps, you can successfully reflect a polygon over the X-axis and the Y-axis.