Which one of the following statements about human tasts buds is true


B. Taste buds are not the receptors for gustation.

To determine which one of the following statements about human taste buds is true, you can refer to scientific research or reliable sources. Here are the statements and explanations on how to verify their accuracy:

1. Human taste buds can only detect four primary tastes: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter.
To verify this statement, you can consult reputable scientific sources or biology textbooks that explain the basic tastes humans can perceive. The taste bud receptors are responsible for detecting these four primary tastes on the tongue.

2. Taste buds are located all over the tongue equally.
To assess the accuracy of this statement, you can refer to anatomical diagrams or research articles regarding the distribution of taste buds on the tongue. It is commonly observed that taste buds are not evenly distributed throughout the tongue, with some areas having more taste buds than others.

3. Taste buds regenerate approximately every ten days.
To verify this claim, you can check references related to the life cycle of taste buds. Scientific studies or articles related to taste bud turnover or regeneration can provide insight into the duration of this process.

Remember to rely on credible sources to obtain accurate information about human taste buds and to cross-reference multiple sources to ensure reliability.