(100)d^2-(57.3)d= 0

solve for d.

yes...I just can't figure out what number I'd use to factor this and it got bumped to the next page.

I thought it was an easy question but...


(100)d^2-(57.3)d= 0

factor out d.
d(100d)-57.3 = 0
solve for d. One is d = 0
100d = 57.3
d = 57.3/100 = 0.573.

darn...I feel so ________

Thanks Dr.Bob

I kept trying to factor out a number and the d, that's where I got cofused.

To solve the given quadratic equation, you can use the quadratic formula or factor out the common term 'd' and solve for 'd'.

We will first try to factor out the common term 'd':

(100)d^2 - (57.3)d = 0

Taking out 'd' as a common factor:

d(100d - 57.3) = 0

Now, we equate each factor to zero, giving us two separate equations:

d = 0 or 100d - 57.3 = 0

For the first equation, d = 0 is a straightforward solution.

For the second equation, we solve for 'd' as follows:

100d - 57.3 = 0

Adding 57.3 to both sides:

100d = 57.3

Dividing both sides by 100:

d = 57.3 / 100

Simplifying the right side:

d = 0.573

Therefore, the solutions to the quadratic equation (100)d^2 - (57.3)d = 0 are d = 0 and d = 0.573.