Angelo is paid double time for each hour he works over 40 hours in a week. Last week he worked 42 hours and earned $484. What is his normal hourly rate?

40w + (42-40)(2w) = 484

w = 11

If John gets paid $200 every week, how much does he make for the year?

To find Angelo's normal hourly rate, we need to calculate his overtime pay and then subtract it from his total earnings.

First, let's determine the number of overtime hours he worked. Angelo worked 42 hours in total, so he worked 42 - 40 = 2 hours of overtime.

Next, we calculate his overtime pay. Angelo is paid double time for each hour of overtime, so his overtime pay is 2 * (his normal hourly rate).

Now we can set up an equation to solve for his normal hourly rate:

Normal Earnings + Overtime Earnings = Total Earnings

Let's break down the equation:

Normal Earnings = Angelo's normal hourly rate * 40 hours
Overtime Earnings = Angelo's normal hourly rate * 2 overtime hours
Total Earnings = $484 (given in the question)

Substituting these values into the equation, we get:

Angelo's normal hourly rate * 40 + Angelo's normal hourly rate * 2 = $484

To solve for Angelo's normal hourly rate, we can divide both sides of the equation by 42:

(Angelo's normal hourly rate * 40 + Angelo's normal hourly rate * 2) / 42 = $484 / 42

Simplifying this equation, we have:

40 * Angelo's normal hourly rate + 2 * Angelo's normal hourly rate = $11.52 per hour

Combining the terms, we get:

42 * Angelo's normal hourly rate = $11.52 per hour

Now, we can solve for Angelo's normal hourly rate by dividing both sides of the equation by 42:

Angelo's normal hourly rate = $11.52 / 42

Calculating this, we find that Angelo's normal hourly rate is approximately $0.274 per hour.

Therefore, Angelo's normal hourly rate is approximately $0.274 per hour.