I need some help with this question for one of my units in world englishes please help!?

Q. Argue for or against the status of 'double negation' as a 'mistake' on spoken English. I am arguing for so I agree with this status. I believe double negation in spoken English can cause a lot of confusion in both written and spoken English. Any other thoughts on why double negatives should be avoided as they are considered grammatically incorrect? thanks

In English, double negatives have a canceling-out effect, making the meaning positive. That's usually the opposite of what the speaker or writer intends.

To argue for the status of double negation as a mistake in spoken English, you need to support your stance with logical reasons and evidence. Here are a few points you can consider:

1. Standard English grammar: In standard English grammar, double negatives are considered grammatically incorrect. In this context, using two negative elements, such as "not" and "no," intensifies the negation and creates confusion. For example, saying "I don't have no money" instead of "I don't have any money" may lead to ambiguity in the intended meaning.

2. Clarity and precision: Double negatives can often make the meaning of a sentence unclear or ambiguous. By removing double negation, you can enhance the clarity and precision of your communication. Using positive forms or single negatives can make your message more easily understandable and avoid confusion.

3. Formal contexts: In formal settings, such as academic writing or professional communication, using double negatives could be seen as a lack of proficiency in English grammar. Employers, teachers, or potential clients may appreciate clear and correct language use, making it important to avoid double negatives in such contexts.

4. Avoiding misunderstandings: Double negatives can lead to misunderstandings, especially when interacting with non-native English speakers or individuals who are not familiar with regional dialects. By adhering to standard grammatical rules and avoiding double negatives, you can minimize the chances of miscommunication and ensure your message is accurately understood.

When making your argument, try to support your points with specific examples and evidence from reputable sources. Additionally, acknowledging counterarguments and addressing them can strengthen your overall argument and provide a balanced perspective on the topic.