Having trouble on this question.

Which form of government gives independent rights and policy making decisions to smaller regions (like states or provinces) of the country which cannot be overridden by the main government. The choices are unitary, confederation, or federal. I don't think it is unitary but not sure between the other two.

Study these definitions carefully.


It's probably confederation, rather than federal. Think about the Articles of Confederation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Articles_of_Confederation ) and the differences between it and the US Constitution that was written and passed later and which formed our federal government.

To determine the correct answer to this question, it is helpful to understand the definitions of the different forms of government mentioned: unitary, confederation, and federal.

1. Unitary: In a unitary system of government, power is concentrated in a single central authority that holds the ultimate decision-making authority. The regions or states under a unitary system typically have limited autonomy and derive their powers from the central government, which can override their decisions if necessary.

2. Confederation: A confederation, on the other hand, is a loose alliance of independent states or regions that voluntarily come together for a common purpose. In a confederation, the central government has limited powers and can only exercise them as agreed upon by the member states. The individual states or regions retain full sovereignty and have the ability to override decisions made by the central government.

3. Federal: A federal system of government divides power between a central authority and smaller regional governments. Each level of government has its own sphere of power, and neither level can unilaterally override the other. The central government and the regional governments have independent rights and policy-making decisions within their respective jurisdictions.

Based on these definitions, the answer to your question is federal. In a federal system of government, smaller regions (like states or provinces) retain their independent rights and policy-making decisions that cannot be overridden by the central government.

So, to summarize, the correct answer is federal, as it best describes a form of government that gives independent rights and policy-making decisions to smaller regions (like states or provinces) of the country, which cannot be overridden by the main government.