Which of the following did not lead to the growth of government?

A. the need to build walls for defense
B. growing numbers of people
C. the rise of religion
D. the need to maintain food supplies

My answer is A. But I'm not sure.

You could be right. But what does your book say about the rise of religion?

At first I thought it was A but re-read in my book and found out it was rise of religion. Thank you

You're welcome.

I agree that it was B. The Rise of Religion.

By 30,000 Bc Neanderthals had been replaced by wat

To determine which option did not lead to the growth of government, let's analyze each option one by one:

A. The need to build walls for defense: Building walls for defense purposes, such as city walls, is a common response to threats and can lead to the growth of government. As governments aim to protect their citizens, they often invest in infrastructure like defensive structures.

B. Growing numbers of people: A growing population usually requires an expansion of government services and institutions to meet the needs of the people. As society becomes larger and more complex, a corresponding growth in government commonly occurs.

C. The rise of religion: The rise of religion, particularly when it becomes institutionalized, can often lead to the growth of government. Religious institutions often have their own set of rules, governance structures, and hierarchies, which frequently interact with the government.

D. The need to maintain food supplies: Ensuring food supplies for a growing population is a fundamental responsibility of governments. Growing food demands often necessitate the establishment of agricultural policies, trade regulations, and distribution systems, leading to the growth of government involvement.

Based on this analysis, it seems that option C, the rise of religion, did not necessarily lead to the growth of government. While the rise of religion can influence governments, it does not inherently lead to their expansion. Therefore, option C is the most likely answer to your question.