The sign on the parking meter says “Out of Order,” so the meter isn’t

a) true beyond a reasonable doubt
b) probably true
c) possibly true or possible false
my answer is "B"

please help

I agree. :-)


To determine the correct answer, let's break down the information provided.

The sign on the parking meter says "Out of Order," indicating that there is a problem with the meter. Based on this information, we can conclude that it is likely that the meter is not working. Therefore, option "B) probably true" seems to be the most appropriate answer.

When making such determinations, it is important to consider the evidence and the degree of certainty in the statement. In this case, while there is strong evidence suggesting that the meter is out of order, without further confirmation, it cannot be stated with absolute certainty (option "A) true beyond a reasonable doubt").

Additionally, there is always a possibility that the sign could be misleading or incorrect, and the meter may still be functional (option "C) possibly true or possible false"). However, given the provided information, this seems less likely compared to the "probably true" option.

In summary, based on the information provided, option "B) probably true" is a reasonable choice, indicating that the parking meter is likely not working.