Show me 4 hundreds, 6 ones, 17 tens, and 7 tenths

17 tens = 170

400 + 170 + 6 + 0.7 = 576.7

I have 4 hundreds 6 ones 17 tens 7 tenths

To show 4 hundreds, 6 ones, 17 tens, and 7 tenths, we can write it as a decimal number. We start from the left and work our way to the right:

4 hundreds = 400
17 tens = 170
6 ones = 6
7 tenths = 0.7

Putting it all together, the number would be: 400 + 170 + 6 + 0.7 = 576.7

To visualize 4 hundreds, 6 ones, 17 tens, and 7 tenths, we can represent each part as a digit and combine them to form a number. Let's break it down:

- 4 hundreds: This means we have four digits in the hundreds place. Each digit represents 100, so we have 4 x 100 = 400.
- 6 ones: This means we have six digits in the ones place. Each digit represents 1, so we have 6 x 1 = 6.
- 17 tens: This means we have seventeen digits in the tens place. Each digit represents 10, so we have 17 x 10 = 170.
- 7 tenths: This means we have seven digits in the tenths place. Each digit represents 0.1, so we have 7 x 0.1 = 0.7.

Combining these results, we get:

400 + 6 + 170 + 0.7 = 576.7

Therefore, the number formed by 4 hundreds, 6 ones, 17 tens, and 7 tenths is 576.7.