What does it mean to explain the passage's significance and literary device?

A passage's significance is its importance.

This site gives a list and definitions of many literary devices.


To explain the passage's significance and literary device means to analyze and interpret the deeper meaning and literary techniques used in a particular passage of literature. It involves identifying and describing how the passage contributes to the overall meaning and themes of the text, as well as recognizing and explaining the literary devices employed by the author to convey their message effectively.

To analyze the significance of a passage, you need to consider how it adds to the plot, character development, or overall theme of the story. Look for elements such as key events, important revelations, or symbolic representations that enhance the reader's understanding of the text.

When examining the literary device, you should identify and explain the techniques used by the author to create a specific effect or convey their intended message. This may include devices such as symbolism, foreshadowing, imagery, irony, or figurative language, among others. Pay attention to how these devices contribute to the passage's meaning and enhance the reader's engagement with the text.

In summary, explaining the passage's significance and literary device involves delving deeper into the text to uncover its underlying meanings, themes, and the techniques employed by the author to convey them effectively. It requires careful analysis, interpretation, and explanation of the key elements at play within the passage.