How could you use mental math to find 3x122?



Take that 6 and put it behind the 36 which will give the answer of 366. So 3x122=366 is your answer.

how do u divide a fraction

To find the product of 3 and 122 using mental math, you can break it down into simpler steps:

1. Start by multiplying the rightmost digit of 122 (which is 2) by 3: 2 x 3 = 6.

2. Next, multiply the tens digit of 122 (which is 2) by 3, and since it's a tens digit, you need to multiply by 10 as well: 2 x 3 x 10 = 60.

3. Finally, multiply the hundreds digit of 122 (which is 1) by 3, and since it's a hundreds digit, you need to multiply by 100 as well: 1 x 3 x 100 = 300.

4. Add up the results from steps 1, 2, and 3: 6 + 60 + 300 = 366.

Therefore, 3 x 122 equals 366.

To find the answer to 3 multiplied by 122 using mental math, you can break down the calculation into simpler steps.

Step 1: Multiply 3 by 100 (the nearest hundred to 122) to get 300.

Step 2: Multiply 3 by 20 (the remaining tens after 100) to get 60.

Step 3: Multiply 3 by 2 (the units place) to get 6.

Step 4: Add the results of each step together: 300 + 60 + 6 = 366.

So, using mental math, 3 multiplied by 122 equals 366.