I need an edible suspension for a project i am doing.

I have to write a paper and bring in examples of each type of mixture for a class feast(so it needs to be edible). I want to know if i'm correct on the two that i have and i need an example of another and why it is it. I have Kool-Aid for a solution, jello for a colloid, but i cannot find a suspension anywhere...Plz help!

I think I answered this question yesterday for you. Perhaps it was for another student. Anyway, milk is a colloid. Flour in water is a suspension although I wouldn't drink much of it at one time. Kool-Aid is a solution. Jello appears, from what I can read, a semisolid colloid.

is pancake mix a suspension

this is a different person I am using marshmallows as colloids and sweet tea as solutions we are in the same

I answered your other question. But I'll repeat: it can be mayonnaise or ketchup. You choose.

To create an edible suspension for your project, you will need a few ingredients and some basic steps to follow. Here's a simple recipe you can try:

1. Edible substance or ingredient that you want to suspend (e.g., fruit chunks, chocolate chips, herbs, etc.)
2. Liquid base (e.g., water, juice, milk, coconut milk, etc.)
3. Thickening agent (e.g., gelatin, agar-agar, cornstarch, pectin, etc.)
4. Sweetener (optional, depending on taste preference)

Steps to create an edible suspension:

1. Determine the quantity of your ingredients based on the amount you need for your project.

2. Prepare the liquid base by heating it in a saucepan until it reaches a gentle simmer.

3. While heating the liquid base, mix the thickening agent with a small amount of cold water or a portion of the liquid base. Stir well until the thickening agent is fully dissolved and no lumps remain.

4. Slowly pour the thickening agent mixture into the simmering liquid base while stirring continuously. Make sure to pour it in a thin and steady stream to prevent clumping.

5. Continue to stir the mixture gently over low heat until it thickens to your desired consistency. The thickening process may take a few minutes, so be patient and keep stirring.

6. Once the mixture has thickened, remove it from heat and let it cool slightly. At this point, you can add a sweetener if desired and stir it well.

7. Now, you can add the edible substance or ingredient that you want to suspend into the thickened mixture. Make sure to distribute it evenly by gently stirring.

8. Allow the mixture to cool completely until it sets and forms a stable suspension. You can speed up the cooling process by placing it in the refrigerator for some time.

And voila! You have created an edible suspension for your project.