so ive been looking through the book for a while and I cant find an allusion in it...can you quote on for me

Thank You! It helps but I can't actually find these quotes in the book and im not reading it all over again

Google Enders Game illusions

Certainly! In order to find an allusion in a book, you need to ask yourself if there are any references to other works of literature, historical events, mythology, or famous people. Let's assume you're reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. A well-known allusion in this book is found in Chapter 10, when Atticus Finch tells his children, "Remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." This line alludes to the title of the book itself, as well as the innocent characters of Tom Robinson and Boo Radley, who are metaphorical mockingbirds. By understanding the concept of mockingbirds being innocent beings that should be protected, the reader can appreciate the deeper meaning of Atticus' statement.