Can you proofread my essay and I also need a good title?

Christopher Columbus was a brave, strong, hard-worker who took sea to America in 1470. What is biased? Biased is your opinion or idea on someone. In Christopher Columbus journal excerpt, there were many examples of how he was biased.

Christopher Columbus in his journal entry Thurday, October 11 showed some examples of being biased. First example is “As I saw that they were friendly to us, and perceived that they could be much more easily converted to our holy faith by gentle means than by force…(pg.1).” Therefore, this is showing unbelievable evidence which is something that can’t be true if not proven. Second example is “But they seemed on the whole to me, to be a very poor people…..(pg.2). This is showing Christopher stereotyping the people he came aboard on his voyages. By the way, stereotyping is Third example is “It appears to me, that the people are ingenious, and would be good servants and I am of opinion that they would very readily become Christians, as they appear to have no religion.” These Native Americans are being called inferior meaning they are supposedly less important because they don’t have the same technology, beliefs, and culture as everyone else. This can be considered as stereotyping as well.

Saturday, October 13 and Sunday, October 21 had a few examples of being biased. Fourth example is “I gathered from them by signs that by going southward or steering round the island in that direction, there would be found a king who possessed large vessels of gold, and in great quantities.” A type of bias this example is considered is an author’s special interest in an issue.” Last example is the way the author described the island’s appearance as “exceeding the others in beauty and fertility, very abundant and exquisite.” In my opinion the author tried to persuade the readers with emotionally charged words to get us interested.

As you can see, Christopher Columbus journal excerpt showed to us how biased he really was. Being biased is not a good quality to have especially if you don’t know the person. What do you think?

Your essay is very biased. Reread it.Biased is your opinion or idea on someone.

First bias: You are evaluating based on your perceptions something that occured 500 years ago, I assure you his set of perceptions is vastly different from yours.

Second bias. When writing,one has a purpose, and one says things that need to be said to achieve the purpose. In your third paragraph, you are evaluating Columbus' writings without knowing his purpose and motives, again, in another long gone culture.
I quote from you: Being biased is not a good quality to have especially if you don�t know the person. Then again, I am not certain of your purpose in writing this essay.

If this is a persuasive essay, and the purpose was to persuade us Columbus suffered from strong biases, I personally find your argument weak. Do you really think Columbus was writing to get YOU interested?<In my opinion the author tried to persuade the readers with emotionally charged words to get us interested. > I suspect the words were for the King and Queen, and it did excite them.

Certainly! I'd be happy to proofread your essay and help you come up with a good title.

Here is the proofread version of your essay:

Title: Christopher Columbus: Uncovering Biases in his Journal Excerpt

Christopher Columbus was a brave, strong, hard-worker who set sail to America in 1470. Biased is defined as having an opinion or preconceived idea about someone or something. In Christopher Columbus's journal excerpt, there were many examples of how he showcased biased views.

In his journal entry on Thursday, October 11, Christopher Columbus demonstrated several instances of bias. The first example is when he stated, "As I saw that they were friendly to us, and perceived that they could be much more easily converted to our holy faith by gentle means than by force…” (pg. 1). This statement presents unbelievable evidence, as it is something that cannot be considered true without proper proof. The second example is when he said, "But they seemed on the whole to me to be a very poor people…” (pg. 2). This reveals Christopher's tendency to stereotype the people he encountered on his voyages. Consequently, stereotyping becomes evident. A third example is his statement that reads, "It appears to me that the people are ingenious, and would be good servants, and I am of the opinion that they would very readily become Christians, as they appear to have no religion." Native Americans are being labelled as inferior based on their perceived lack of technology, beliefs, and culture, which can also be considered as stereotyping.

Moving on to Saturday, October 13, and Sunday, October 21, there are a few more examples of bias. The fourth example is when Columbus mentioned, "I gathered from them by signs that by going southward or steering round the island in that direction, there would be found a king who possessed large vessels of gold, and in great quantities." This example demonstrates a type of bias known as an author's special interest in an issue. The last example is how the author described the island's appearance as "exceeding the others in beauty and fertility, very abundant and exquisite." The author's use of emotionally charged words seems to be an attempt to persuade readers and generate interest.

In conclusion, Christopher Columbus's journal excerpt reveals the extent of his biases. Being biased is not a commendable quality, especially when it comes to forming judgments about individuals without truly knowing them.

As for a suitable title, based on the content of your essay, you could consider "Christopher Columbus: Unveiling Bias in his Journal Excerpt" or "Exploring Christopher Columbus's Biased Views in his Journal Entry." These titles accurately reflect the focus of your essay and give readers a clear understanding of what to expect.

Remember, it's essential to critically analyze historical figures like Christopher Columbus, and your essay effectively highlights and discusses the biases in his journal entries.