How long (in minutes) will a 400 -mile road trip take at 70 mph?

Round your answer to the nearest minute.

Solve 400/70 and multiply the answer by 60. Then round to the nearest minute.

To calculate the time in minutes for a 400-mile road trip at a speed of 70 mph, we can use the formula Time = Distance / Speed.

Time = 400 miles / 70 mph

To round the answer to the nearest minute, we can divide 400 by 70 and round to the nearest whole number.

Time = 5.71 hours

Converting this to minutes, we multiply 5.71 by 60.

Time = 342.6 minutes

Rounding this to the nearest minute, the road trip will take approximately 343 minutes.

To determine how long a road trip will take at a certain speed, you need to use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

In this case, the distance is 400 miles and the speed is 70 mph. Plugging in these values into the formula:

Time = 400 miles / 70 mph

To simplify the calculation, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by 10:

Time = (400 miles / 10) / (70 mph / 10)

This becomes:

Time = 40 miles / 7 mph

Now, to find the time in minutes, you need to convert the units. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour:

Time = (40 miles / 7 mph) * (60 minutes / 1 hour)

Simplifying further:

Time = (40 * 60) / 7 minutes

Now you can calculate the answer:

Time = 2400 / 7 minutes

Rounding the answer to the nearest minute:

Time ≈ 342.857 minutes

Therefore, a 400-mile road trip at 70 mph will take approximately 343 minutes.