In comparison to the ______________ model, the _____________ model assesses the complexities of learning disabilities better than a one-step process where an individuals is tested once and diagnosed.

a. discrepancy; Response to Intervention
b. Response to Intervention; discrepancy
c. immediate responsiveness; subjective interpretation
d. subjective interpretation; immediate responsiveness

I'll be glad to check your answer.

I think the answer is A

I agree.

Response to Intervention; discrepancy

discrepancy and Response to intervention

The correct answer is a) discrepancy; Response to Intervention.

To understand why this is the correct answer, let's break down the different models mentioned in the options.

1. Discrepancy model: This model involves comparing an individual's actual level of achievement to their expected level of achievement based on their intelligence or cognitive abilities. If there is a significant discrepancy between the two, it suggests the presence of a learning disability.

2. Response to Intervention (RTI) model: This model takes a more proactive approach to identifying and supporting individuals with learning disabilities. It involves monitoring a student's academic progress over time and providing targeted interventions based on their specific needs. The goal is to intervene early and prevent the emergence of severe learning difficulties.

Now, if we look at the options, choice b) "Response to Intervention; discrepancy" is the correct answer because it correctly compares and contrasts the two models and explains that the RTI model assesses learning disabilities better than the discrepancy model. The discrepancy model only involves a one-step process of diagnosing by comparing achievement with cognitive abilities, while the RTI model considers various interventions and monitors progress over time.

So, in comparison to the discrepancy model, the RTI model assesses the complexities of learning disabilities better, as it takes a more comprehensive and proactive approach to identification and support.