The perimeter of Mrs.Douglas's square patio is 84 feet.What is the length of her patio?

P = 4s

84 = 4s

s = 84/4

s = 21 feet

To find the length of Mrs. Douglas's square patio, we need to use the formula for calculating the perimeter of a square. The perimeter of a square is simply the sum of all the sides.

Since a square has all four sides equal in length, we can denote the length of one side as "s". Therefore, the perimeter of the square can be represented as:

Perimeter = 4s

Given that the perimeter of Mrs. Douglas's square patio is 84 feet, we can set up the equation:

84 = 4s

To determine the length of the patio, we need to isolate the variable "s."

Dividing both sides of the equation by 4:

84/4 = s
21 = s

Therefore, the length of Mrs. Douglas's patio is 21 feet.