How to do this......please show me....

Take 2 A4 sheet.On one write PROPER NOUNS and stick related picture cut outs.On the 2nd sheet write COMMON NOUNS and paste related picture cut outs.

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

A proper noun would be something specific. So like Oreos, Mcdonalds. etc. It will always start with a capital letter.

Common nouns would just be something no-so-specific such as cookie, water, orange, etc.

Does that help? :)


To create a visual representation of proper and common nouns, follow these steps:

1. Collect materials: Gather two A4 sheets, cut-out pictures from magazines or print relevant images from the internet, glue or tape, and a marker or pen.

2. Prepare the sheets: Take one of the A4 sheets and label it "PROPER NOUNS." Similarly, label the second sheet as "COMMON NOUNS." Ensure that the labels are clearly written.

3. Sort the images: Organize the cut-out pictures into two categories based on their classification as proper or common nouns. Proper nouns refer to specific names of people, places, things, or organizations, while common nouns refer to general or ordinary nouns.

4. Attach the images: On the sheet labeled "PROPER NOUNS," stick the cut-out pictures that represent specific names. For example, images of famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Mount Everest, the Taj Mahal, or names of people like Barack Obama or Angelina Jolie. Make sure to leave enough space between each image.

5. On the sheet labeled "COMMON NOUNS," affix the cut-out images that represent general or ordinary nouns. This could include pictures of everyday objects like a chair, car, dog, or tree. Again, leave enough space between each image.

6. Optional: If you're unable to find relevant pictures for each noun, you can also draw simple illustrations alongside the labels to represent the nouns.

7. Review and enhance: Once all the images are attached, take a moment to review your work. Ensure that the pictures accurately represent the concept of proper and common nouns. Additionally, you can add captions or brief descriptions below each image to further clarify their classification.

By following these steps, you'll have successfully created a visual representation differentiating between proper and common nouns using cut-out pictures and labels. This approach can be helpful for visual learners in understanding the distinction between the two noun types.