Imagining potential negative big events is one way that a person can manage his or her stress. To help with this, one should ________.

A. Be confident
B. Relax with deep breathing
C. Think positively
D. Have a back-up plan

I think it's B.

Is it "c"??

I thought it was B as well. Then again it could very well be C

what is it

its C

not c

might be A

D. Plan ahead.

Per my reading guide "2. Prepare yourself.
Prepare ahead of time for stressful events like a job interview or a hard conversation with a loved one.
Picture the event in your mind.
Stay positive.
Imagine what the room will look like and what you will say.
Have a back-up plan."

D. have a back up plan

Per my reading guide "2. Prepare yourself.
Prepare ahead of time for stressful events like a job interview or a hard conversation with a loved one.
Picture the event in your mind.
Stay positive.
Imagine what the room will look like and what you will say.
Have a back-up plan."

Sorry about the mistype on my first response

thank you Ashley , it is have aback up plan