Sentence: The doctor's grave ______ showed that he had been unable to save the dying man.

Which words best fits the sentence?

Thank you, Ms. Sue. It seems like it was an easy question but I was stuck in it. I'll do my own now. Thanks again!

You're welcome, Losa.

To determine the word that best fits the sentence, we can examine the context and the meaning of each option to determine which one is the most appropriate.

A) Demeanor refers to a person's behavior or facial expression. While it is possible that the doctor's demeanor could provide some insight into the situation, it doesn't directly imply that the doctor was unable to save the dying man. Therefore, we can eliminate this option.

B) The word "inflexible" means unwilling to change or compromise. In the context of the sentence, the doctor's grave inflexibility doesn't seem to be related to his inability to save the dying man, so we can rule out this option as well.

C) Valor refers to courage and bravery. In this context, the doctor's grave valor doesn't necessarily correlate with his inability to save the dying man. Hence, this option doesn't fit the sentence either.

Considering the options, none of them seem to be the most suitable choice that directly implies the doctor's inability to save the dying man. It is important to note that the given sentence requires more context or different options to accurately complete it.