this is very basic latin. does this make sense?

The question: Estne Marcus Servus?

My Answer: Minime! Marcus non est servus quod est puer romanus.

Its supposed to say no! Marcus is not a slave because he is a roman boy.

There are problems with capital and lower-case letters, but the wording is fine.

thank you!

You're welcome!

Your translation is almost correct. However, there are a few grammatical errors in your response.

The question "Estne Marcus Servus?" translates to "Is Marcus a slave?" In Latin, word order is flexible, but it is more common to use the subject-verb-object order.

To respond with "No! Marcus is not a slave because he is a Roman boy," a more accurate translation could be:

"Minime! Marcus non est servus, sed puer Romanus est."

Here's a breakdown of the translation:

- "Minime" means "No" or "Certainly not."
- "Marcus non est servus" means "Marcus is not a slave."
- "Sed" means "but" and is used to connect two contrasting statements.
- "Puer Romanus est" means "He is a Roman boy."

Remember to pay attention to the proper verbal conjugation and noun cases when translating a sentence. In this case, "puer" (boy) is in the nominative case and "servus" (slave) is in the accusative case.