Which is the best linking word to make the following sentence correct?

The dog started barking __________ he sensed a threat.A. untilB. becauseC. beforeD. whether


How can you get better help from peer reviews?A. write better essays B. work as a team C. ask questions

How can you get better help from peer reviews?A. write better essays B. work as a team C. ask questions

To determine the best linking word to make the sentence correct, let's first analyze the meaning of the sentence. The sentence states that "The dog started barking" which indicates that the barking is a result or reaction to something else. The second part of the sentence, "he sensed a threat," gives us the reason or cause for the dog's barking.

Now let's evaluate the options:

A. "Until" is used to indicate a point in time or the duration of an action. It doesn't convey the cause-effect relationship needed in this sentence, so it is not the best choice.

B. "Because" is used to show a cause and effect relationship. It indicates that the dog barked as a result of sensing a threat. This option seems appropriate in conveying the intended meaning and is a suitable choice.

C. "Before" is used to indicate that something happens prior to another event, but it does not establish a cause-effect relationship. Therefore, it is not the best choice in this context.

D. "Whether" is used to present a choice between two possibilities. It doesn't fit the meaning or context of the sentence, so it is not a suitable choice.

Based on this analysis, the best linking word to make the sentence correct would be B. "because." Thus, the correct answer is B.