Draw a Punnett square to demonstrate the inheritance of cystic fibrosis with both parents being carriers

We cannot draw Punnett squares on these posts.


Thank you for the site that does give me ideals of what is needed just wasn't sure.

To draw a Punnett square for the inheritance of cystic fibrosis with both parents being carriers, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the alleles: Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene. The normal allele is represented by "C," while the mutated allele is represented by "c." Since both parents are carriers (heterozygous), they will each have one normal allele (C) and one mutated allele (c).

Step 2: Write the genotypes of both parents: Let's represent the father's genotype as Cc and the mother's genotype as Cc.

Step 3: Create a Punnett square: Draw a square and divide it into four equal boxes.

C c
C | CC Cc
c | Cc cc

Step 4: Fill in the Punnett square: Distribute the alleles from each parent into the boxes. The columns represent the father's alleles, and the rows represent the mother's alleles.

Step 5: Analyze the results: Look at the genotypes in the Punnett square. The possible genotypes of the offspring are CC, Cc, Cc, and cc.

Step 6: Determine the phenotype: In the case of cystic fibrosis, individuals need to have two copies of the mutated gene (cc) to express the disorder. Therefore, only the individuals with the cc genotype will have cystic fibrosis. All the other genotypes (CC, Cc) will be carriers.

This Punnett square shows that among the four potential offspring, there is a 25% chance that they will have cystic fibrosis (cc), and a 75% chance that they will either be carriers (Cc) or have no copies of the mutated gene (CC).