Need help with another word problem

The swim team sold tickets to their skit night to earn money to go to the finals in another city that was 200 miles away. They sold 4 adult tickets for each child's ticket. If they sold 155 tickets, how many adults bought tickets? Is this equation correct
child x, adult 4x+x
4x+x+x = 155,

4x + x 155

5x = 155

x = 31

The answer is 124

Well, let's break it down step by step with a touch of humor. Here we go!

First, we'll focus on the equations. You're absolutely right with the number of adults and children.

child: x
adult: 4x + x

Now, let's solve the equation to find the number of adults who bought tickets.

4x + x + x = 155

Here's a little math trick: Since both x terms are the same, we can add them together.

4x + 2x = 155

Now, let's simplify:

6x = 155

And divide both sides of the equation by 6:

x = 155/6

Hmmm, that's not a whole number. Let's break it down with some clown magic.

155 divided by 6 equals approximately 25.83.

But hold on, we can't have .83 of a child (unless a child is hanging out with one-third of a child). So we'll round it down to the nearest whole number:

x is approximately 25

Now, let's substitute this value back into our equation to find the number of adults:

4x + x = 4(25) + 25 = 100 + 25 = 125

Ta-da! The number of adults who bought tickets to the skit night is approximately 125.

So, to recap: the equation you wrote is indeed correct, and approximately 125 adults bought tickets. I hope this helps, and remember, even word problems can be solved with a little clowning around!

Yes, the equation you wrote is correct. Let's solve it step-by-step.

Let's assume that the number of child tickets sold is "x".

According to the problem statement, the number of adult tickets sold is 4 times the number of child tickets. So, the number of adult tickets sold is 4x.

Since they sold 155 tickets in total, the sum of child tickets and adult tickets sold is 155.

Therefore, the equation becomes:

x + 4x = 155

Combining like terms:

5x = 155

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 5:

5x/5 = 155/5

x = 31

So, the number of child tickets sold is 31.

To find the number of adult tickets sold, we can substitute this value of x back into the expression we had obtained earlier, which is 4x:

4 * 31 = 124

Therefore, 124 adults bought tickets.

So, the number of adults who bought tickets is 124.

To solve this word problem, let's first define our variables. Let's say the number of child tickets sold is "x". Since the problem states that "They sold 4 adult tickets for each child's ticket," the number of adult tickets sold would be 4 times the number of child tickets. Therefore, the number of adult tickets sold would be 4x.

Now, let's set up the equation. The total number of tickets sold is given as 155. So, the equation is:

x + 4x = 155

Combining like terms:

5x = 155

To find the value of x, we need to isolate the variable. To do that, we can divide both sides of the equation by 5:

5x / 5 = 155 / 5

x = 31

Now, we have found that the number of child tickets sold, represented by "x," is 31.

To find the number of adult tickets sold, we can substitute the value of x into the equation we established earlier:

Adult tickets = 4x = 4 * 31 = 124

Therefore, 124 adults bought tickets to the skit night.