3 things in history that impacted in south America,europe,asia,africa and austrlia.(please list all and I can do the rest) P.S please get back to me by tomorrow before 2 o' clock

girl figure it out yourself

Are you considering a particular time period?

The spreads of the major religions -- Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism had major influence on the world.

well I need it by the end of today

Maize,avocados,and cacao

Sure! Here are three historical events or phenomena that had an impact on South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia:

1. Colonialism: The Age of Exploration in the 15th to 18th centuries led to European nations colonizing large parts of the world, including South America, Africa, and parts of Asia and Australia. This had significant social, economic, and cultural impacts on these regions, such as the introduction of new goods, diseases, and slavery.

To research further, you can look into specific examples like the Spanish colonization of South America, the British colonization of India, or the Dutch colonization of Indonesia.

2. World War II: This global conflict, fought between 1939 and 1945, had far-reaching consequences for all continents involved. In Europe, it resulted in significant territorial changes, the rise and fall of totalitarian regimes, and the creation of new global power dynamics. In Africa, Asia, and the Pacific, the war brought about struggles for independence, and the subsequent decolonization movement shaped the future of many nations.

To dig deeper, you can explore events like the Holocaust, the Battle of Stalingrad, the Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia, or the impact of the war in Africa.

3. Industrial Revolution: This period of rapid industrialization and technological advancements, which began in 18th-century Europe and eventually spread to other continents, transformed societies worldwide. It led to advancements in manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, and communication, fundamentally altering economic structures and social dynamics.

You can study how the Industrial Revolution impacted different regions, such as the growth of factories and urbanization in Europe, the rise of textile industries in Asia, or the effects of industrialization on indigenous populations in Australia.

Remember to conduct further research on each topic and consider specific events, individuals, or consequences related to these broad categories. Good luck with your project!