If your HIM department has 100,000 active medical records and you received 5,352 requests for records within a six-month period, what is the request rate for the past six months? Round your answer to the first decimal point.

5,352/100,000 = 5.4%

An employee currently earning $13.85 per hour has been awarded a 3.5% merit raise. What will the employee's hourly salary be with this increase?

To calculate the request rate for the past six months, you need to divide the total number of requests by the number of active medical records.

The formula to calculate the request rate is:

Request rate = Total requests / Number of active medical records

In this case, the total number of requests is 5,352, and the number of active medical records is 100,000.

To calculate the request rate:

Request rate = 5,352 / 100,000

Divide 5,352 by 100,000:

Request rate = 0.05352

Round the result to the first decimal point:

Request rate = 0.1 (rounded to the first decimal point)

Therefore, the request rate for the past six months is 0.1.