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4. What does a strong verb add to a sentence?

5. What does a quality adjective add to a sentence?


If you use the same ol' words over and over in your speech and/or your writing, you'll bore people pretty fast! And besides ... better, more precise verbs and adjectives give more detail and help your reader understand you exactly!

Both add interest, dynamism, color, and specificity. The help the audience visualize the author's intent.



You can save the image in this first blog post and then zoom way in ... there are lots of good ideas in here!

Of course, I'd be happy to help you!

4. A strong verb adds specificity, vividness, and clarity to a sentence. It conveys a more precise action or state than a weak verb, making the sentence more engaging and compelling. To identify a strong verb, you can look for words that describe actions in a more vibrant and powerful way. For example, instead of using the weak verb "walked," you could use a strong verb like "strolled," "raced," or "marched." These strong verbs create a clearer image and enhance the overall impact of the sentence.

5. A quality adjective adds vividness, detail, and description to a sentence. It helps to paint a picture and convey specific qualities or attributes of a noun. Quality adjectives allow the reader to visualize the characteristics of the noun being described. To identify a quality adjective, you can look for words that provide more information about the appearance, nature, or characteristics of the noun. For instance, instead of using a basic adjective like "good," you could use a quality adjective like "exquisite," "remarkable," or "delightful." These descriptive words add depth and richness to the sentence.