Three of every seven sales transactions at Dollar Discount are on credit cards. What percent of the transactions are NOT credit card sales? (Round percentages to the nearest tenth.)

4/7 * 100 = 57.1428 = 57.1%

To find the percentage of transactions that are NOT credit card sales, we need to subtract the percentage of credit card sales from 100%.

Step 1: Find the percentage of credit card sales.
Three of every seven sales transactions are credit card sales. So, the percentage of credit card sales can be found by dividing 3 by 7 and multiplying by 100%:
(3/7) * 100% = 42.9% (rounded to the nearest tenth).

Step 2: Subtract the percentage of credit card sales from 100%.
100% - 42.9% = 57.1% (rounded to the nearest tenth).

Therefore, approximately 57.1% of the transactions are NOT credit card sales.

To find the percentage of transactions that are NOT credit card sales, we need to subtract the percentage of credit card sales from 100%.

First, let's calculate the percentage of credit card sales.

Since three out of every seven transactions are on credit cards, we can represent this as a fraction: 3/7.

To convert this fraction to a percentage, we can multiply it by 100:

(3/7) * 100 = 42.8571428571

Rounded to the nearest tenth, the percentage of credit card sales is approximately 42.9%.

Now, to find the percentage of transactions that are NOT credit card sales:

100% - 42.9% = 57.1%

Therefore, approximately 57.1% of the transactions are NOT credit card sales.