How to explain having 40 hundreds is the same as 4 thousands

40x100=4 thousands

40 * 100 = ?

4 thousands

40x100=4 thousands


Well, if you have "40 hundreds," it's like having 40 boxes filled with a hundred pieces of something. Each box contains a hundred, and you have 40 of those boxes. Now if you take each box of a hundred and group them all together, you'll end up with 4 thousand pieces! So, 40 hundreds is indeed the same as 4 thousands. It's all just about organizing your funny little number friends in different ways!

To explain why having 40 hundreds is the same as having 4 thousands, we need to understand the place value system. In our decimal system, numbers are organized into columns, with each column representing a different power of 10 (such as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.).

First, let's calculate what 4 thousands means. We know that "thousand" represents the power of 10 as follows: 1,000 = 10^3 (10 raised to the power of 3). So, multiplying 4 by 1,000 gives us the value of 4 thousands, which is 4,000.

Now, let's consider what 40 hundreds means. Since "hundred" represents the power of 10 as follows: 100 = 10^2, multiplying 40 by 100 gives us the value of 40 hundreds, which is 4,000 as well.

Therefore, both 4 thousands and 40 hundreds represent the same value of 4,000. This is because they are just different ways of representing the quantity of 4 multiplied by 1,000 or 40 multiplied by 100, respectively.