1)US Dollars Guatemalan Quetzals

1 USD 7.60 GTQ
0.131579 1
While Conchita was in Guatemalan she bought a painting for 600GTQ. Based on the exchange rate she received for her money what was the approximate cost of the painting in USD.
a)70 b)80 c)140 d)450 e)4500
i put e but not sure

2)Grace can purchase a research report from the library for $15, or she can borrow the report and produce a copy at a cost of $0.06 per page. If the cost to purchase the report is exactly equal to the cost to reproduce it then the report must have how many pages.
can you help me to set this question up please i don't understand it

No. Set up a proportion, cross multiply, and solve for x.

7.6/1 = 600/x


15/0.06 = ?

I dnt understand

What is the correct answer


1) To calculate the approximate cost of the painting in USD, you need to convert 600 GTQ to USD using the given exchange rate of 1 USD = 7.60 GTQ.

Step 1: Divide 600 GTQ by 7.60 GTQ to get the equivalent amount in USD.
600 GTQ / 7.60 GTQ = 78.95 USD (approximately)

Based on this calculation, the approximate cost of the painting in USD is 78.95. Therefore, the correct answer option is b) 80.

2) Let's set up the equation for this question.

Let x be the number of pages in the research report.

The cost to purchase the report is $15.
The cost to reproduce the report is $0.06 per page.

So the equation becomes:
15 = 0.06x

To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 0.06:
15 / 0.06 = x

x = 250

Therefore, the report must have 250 pages in order for the cost to purchase to be exactly equal to the cost to reproduce.