could you tell me parts of speech for burnt and disfiguring in the following sentence : He lost both eyes and his face was burnt disfiguring him completely

"was burnt" = one of the main verbs of the sentence; it's the 3rd principal part used with an auxiliary (helping) verb

"disfiguring" = present participle, acting as an adjective, modifying the subject "He"

thank you writeacher for your prompt answer

You're very welcome!

In the given sentence, there are two words in question: "burnt" and "disfiguring." To determine their parts of speech, we will first identify the base form of each word and then assign the appropriate parts of speech.

1. Burnt: The base form of "burnt" is "burn." It is a verb in the past participle form. In this sentence, it is used as an adjective to describe the state or condition of the face. Adjectives modify or describe nouns or pronouns.

2. Disfiguring: The base form of "disfiguring" is "disfigure." It is a verb in the present participle form. It is used as an adjective in the sentence to describe how the burned face affects the person. Like "burnt," "disfiguring" also acts as an adjective that modifies or describes nouns or pronouns.

To summarize, in the given sentence:
- "Burnt" acts as an adjective.
- "Disfiguring" acts as an adjective.

Remember that the part of speech of a word may change based on how it is used in a sentence. So, it's always essential to consider the context and function of the word within the sentence.