In what ways were the Indus Valley people an advanced civilization

There were specific ways in which some civilizations rose above others in terms of development ... and most were clearly defined by about 3000 BC.

-- invention and use of the wheel
-- invention and use of the sail for boats (usually one mast, eventually more)
-- living in towns and cities instead of nomadic clans
-- and other specifics:

One really interesting development for early civilizations (which we take for granted nowadays) was that there were jobs for some people that didn't involve producing anything, but they were supported by the rest of the community because of their skills and talents, such as those who developed the methods for keeping track of shipping and trades (and this all led to the concept of writing for all our ideas, not just for business reasons).

If you can ever find a copy of Leonard Cottrell's book called The Anvil of Civilization, be sure to get it. It's not a long heavy book, and its chapters are not long either. It's not a new book, but it's still basically right in describing ancient civilizations, including the Indus Valley civilization.

The Indus Valley civilization, also known as the Harappan civilization, was indeed an advanced civilization for its time. Here are some ways in which they demonstrated their advancement:

1. Urban planning: The cities of the Indus Valley civilization were meticulously planned. They had well-organized street grids, sophisticated drainage systems, and public buildings indicating a high level of civic planning and engineering.

To learn more about this, you can refer to historical records, scholarly articles, or books that provide in-depth archaeological and historical analysis of the Indus Valley civilization.

2. Technological advancements: The Indus Valley people were skilled in various technologies. They developed standardized weights and measures, as evidenced by the precision of their artifacts. They also had an advanced knowledge of metallurgy, manufacturing tools, and transportation systems.

By reading archaeological reports, you can gain insights into the particular technological advancements achieved by the Indus Valley people.

3. Agricultural practices: The people of the Indus Valley civilization were experts in agriculture. They built an extensive irrigation system, which allowed them to cultivate crops and sustain a large population. They also had granaries and storage facilities, indicating their ability to manage surplus food resources.

You can study research papers or books that explore the agricultural practices of ancient civilizations, including the Indus Valley civilization, to understand their techniques and innovations.

4. Trade and economic system: The Indus Valley civilization had a complex trade network that extended beyond their immediate region. They engaged in long-distance trade, as evidenced by the presence of materials like copper, gold, and precious stones from different parts of the subcontinent and even from regions as far as Mesopotamia.

To learn more about the trade routes and economic system of the Indus Valley civilization, you can refer to historical records, archaeological discoveries, or scholarly works on ancient trade in the Indus Valley region.

5. Script and communication: The Indus Valley people had a unique script that is yet to be fully deciphered. The presence of this script on seals and artifacts indicates their ability to communicate through a written language. This suggests a high level of literacy and intellectual development.

To explore the script and communication methods of the Indus Valley civilization, you can refer to research papers, books, or scholarly articles focusing on ancient scripts and languages.

Remember, understanding the complexity and advancements of a civilization requires studying multiple sources, including historical texts, archaeological findings, and scholarly analysis.